
Briant Rokyta

Processor of art / human being / art therapist / lecturer

Personal description from the son

I write about my father, he is called Briant. He has blue eyes and a bald head. He also has a beard and thin lashes. Thick eyebrows and a medium–sized nose. He always wears a dirty T-shirt and a hat. He also has always filthy pants on and clean socks.
Character: My father is always very funny and nice to me. To others he is also quiet polite. He is always in the mood for joking. But he can get angry as well then he does not say anything. His favorite drink is smoothie and he eats vegan. His hobbies are painting, experimenting, constructing and drawing and we also like to go to the movies.


2024 / Exhibition Participation / at create art GALLERIES / HERRENGASSE gallery 12, Vienna
/ The Card game TINTENSTROM Edition 4 was developed as part of an EU-funded project with partners from Finland, Portugal, Italy and Austria and established as a game to accompany change processes in adult education throughout the EU / ESEDU-Etelä-Savon, Helsinki, Finnland, BBRZ- Graz, Austria
2023 / Solo Exhibition / create art GALLERIES / Grand Hotel Kärtnerring 9, Vienna
2022 / Solo Exhibition / at create art GALLERIES / HERRENGASSE gallery 12, Vienna
/ Exhibition Participation at AUFWACHEN / Galerie am Park, Vienna
/ Exhibition Participation at the Sculpture Park / Fondation Sylvia Waddilove, Villeneuve, Switzerland
2021 / Exhibition Participation at Montreux Biennale / Montreux, Switzerland
/ Solo Exhibition ’Sounds of Sculpture Garden’ / at create art GALLERIES / PALAIS HANSEN Gallery, Vienna, Austria
/ 100 Kunstwerke der Freiheit / Diplomatische Akademie, Vienna, Austria
/ Solo Exhibition ’Wenn der Hut brennt’ / Yella Yella, Vienna, Austria
2020 / Exhibition participation at AILYOS Art Nature CIEL & TERRE / Aigle, Leysin, Switzerland
/ Exhibition participation at WADDILOVE & ARTS / Fondation Sylvia Waddilove, Villeneuve, Switzerland
/ Exhibition at Artist Space GREEN DOOR / Createart Galleries, Vienna
2019 / KunstMeeting Tour 19 STADT / Gallery "Die Schöne", Vienna
/ INCERTO - What future do we want to create? Performance in the context of the opening of the 58th BIENNALE DI VENEZIA / Venezia, Italy
/ TINTENSTROM - Theater in the Hidden at PLAYFULNESS Festival / Toffia, Italy
/ TINTENSTROM - Theater in the Hidden at SCIENCE AND NONDUALITY CONFERENCE / Titignano Castle, Orvieto, Italy
/ TINTENSTROM - Theater in the Hidden at Austria KunstMeeting Tour 19 FLUSS / Museum am Bach, Krassnitz Carinthia, Austria
/ TINTENSTROM - Theater in the Hidden at PARTYCIPATION Festival / Gänserndorf, Austria
/ Exhibition participation and performance at LOST IN BUBBLES - DIE RAUHNÄCHTE SIND SCHULD / Gallery WestART, Zurich, Switzerland.
/ Exhibition participation and presentation of TINTENSTROM Theater in the Hidden at TRAUM / Vienna Art Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2018 / KunstMeeting Tour,
5 Cities, in each city 72 hours of creating art together as a live performance
/ at Gallery “Die Schöne” Vienna, Mark Salzburg, Initiative Raumschiff Linz, Spektral Graz and again at Gallery “Die Schöne” Vienna, Austria.
2017 / Moving into Paradise; Installation of the sculpture "Bedda" in André Hellers garden / ANIMA - Le Retour du Paradis, Marrakesch, Marokko
/ Exhibition participation at Autumn Art Salon / Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, Vienna
/ Performance GÖTTER IN SCHERBEN / at the Burgtheaters, Vienna, Austria.
/ Exhibition participation at "ART FOR ALL SEASONS" / New York Art Connection, New York, USA
/ PERMANENT KUNSTMEETING / Gallery "die Schöne", Vienna, Austria.
/ Exhibition participation at the WORLD ART DUBAI / with Galerie Adriana, Dubai, UAE
2016 / Performance in occasion to the book lauch of "King of Seestadt" / Seestadt Aspern, Vienna
/ 100 Hours of Art / Museumsquartier Vienna
/ Exhibition "Es braut sich was zusammen" with Renée Kellner / Café Westend, Vienna
/ Theatre of Sculptures WOUWWW! / Le Méridien, Vienna
/ Performance at a KunstMeeting / Le Méridien, Vienna
2015 / Exhibition participation at "Artist for Nepal" / Stadtgalerie Mödling
/ Exhibition participation at the 4. Breclaver Art Parlor / Czech Republic
2014 / Exhibition participation at Art Collect Iran / 26.-29. 06. 2014, Qasr Museum Teheran, Iran
2013 / Exhibition participation at LANDAUF. 80 artists from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria are introducing their work / Barockschlössel and MZM Mistelbach, Austria
Exhibition participation at the IX international show of
contemporary art
/ Bzenec castle, Czech Republic
Performance with sculpture / Lebensraum Gänserndorf, Austria
Exhibition participation at the Lille Art Fair / 07.-10. 03. 2013 France
2012 / Exhibition with Wolfgang Erbens / at the Marchfeldgalerie, Austria
Exhibition Participation 21st Century Art and Artists / Euro - Asian Art Center, Vienna
2011 / Exhibition participation at the Artevent / Wolkersdorf, Austria
Exhibition participation at the Line Art / Belgium
Exhibition participation “Flying pussy” / GalleryM, Wien, Austria
2010 / Performance: The cans of contention / Lebensraum Gänserndorf, Austria
2009 / Performance: To track the faith / Church of Gänserndorf, Austria
Exhibition participation at Ars et Aqua / in the "Alte Schieberkammer" Vienna
2007 / Exhibition participation at the 87. Foire International de Luxembourg / Luxembourg
Exhibition participation at the Line Art Gent / Gent, Belgium
2006 / Exhibition participation at the Line Art Gent / Gent, Belgium
Exhibition participation at the Galerie Image / Vienna, Austria
2005 / Exhibition participation at the ART-Geneva / Switzerland
Exhibition participation "Bergrauh, bruchrauh und feinpoliert" / open-air sculpture park/Gallery Nord-Sam, Salzburg
Exhibition participation at the 85. Foire international de Luxembourg / Luxembourg
Exhibition participation at the Line Art / Gent, Belgium
2004 / Exhibition participation at the NÖ-Dokumentationszentrum / Niederösterreich, Austria
Exhibition participation at the 84. Foire International de Luxembourg / Luxembourg
Exhibition participation at the JMA Gallery / Vienna
Exhibition participation at the Latin America Museum / Miami, Florida
2003 Exhibition participation at the Line Art / Gent, Belgium
Ausstellungsbeteiligung an der 83. Foire International de Luxembourg / Luxembourg
Special Price at the 2. international Ceramic Biennale / Korea
Group - exhibition of the artist-team "Teich" / at the Siebensterngallery, Vienna
Exhibition participation at the MA PITOM Kunst Garten / Vienna
Exhibition participation at the AAI Gallery / Vienna
2002 / Participation at the "Love exhibition" / in Lewes, Paris, Munich, Vienna, London
1998 / Participation at the Ceramic Biennale Varazdin Barokku / Croatia
1995 / Realization of a sculpture for the city of Mauthausen, Austria for the reason of the 50- Year celebration of Austria´s liberation from the national-sozialistic power / Mauthausen, Austria